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“  What are those everyday problems and opportunities that I saw around cab drivers? In what situations has technology diminished the pleasure of interactions, rather than enhancing it? How did I arrive on the conclusion and problems?

R E S E A R C H   O U T C O M E

D I S C O V E R Y  O F  A N  I N S I G H T

Cab drivers think of their cars as a friend, a companion, a work mate. Their nightmare situations varied from a car-crash to being stuck in a country lane. The reasons for not wanting to get lost in their respective dreaded situations were fear of helplessness, fear of dying, fear of getting in trouble, fear of uncertainty. Drivers wanted super-powers so that they could have a control over their respective situations. One of the drivers asked me why cars can’t self repair ?

The most frequent problem is that of disturbing passengers. Many a times drunk passengers especially women wee in the car, vomit, fall asleep, and cannot function otherwise . On the other hand, drivers feel helpless as they are unaware of things happening at the backseat of their cabs (taxi). When the next passenger gets inside the cab, he finds the seat in a terrible condition. This often leads to driver losing a customer(passenger). I found this story to be extremely compelling. As a result, I decided to go ahead with this insight.

The project addresses the importance of London cab drivers having a good relationship/ inter-personal skills with their passengers. This is done through the discovery of an insight using a research method called "Dream-Scaping." 


The result is an artificial intelligence car-bot that makes drivers aware of what is happening at the backseat using voice alarm.

The project addresses the importance of London cab drivers having a good relationship/ inter-personal skills with their passengers. This is done through the discovery of an insight using a research method called "Dream-Scaping." 

The result is an artificial intelligence car-bot that makes drivers aware of what is happening at the backseat using voice alarm.

The project addresses the importance of London cab drivers having a good relationship/ inter-personal skills with their passengers. This is done through the discovery of an insight using a research method called "Dream-Scaping." 


The result is an artificial intelligence

car-bot that makes drivers aware of what is happening at the backseat using voice alarm.

Why is it necessary for cab drivers to have such a product?

It’s important for drivers to have reasonably good inter-personal skills with passengers. Cab drivers serve not only dropping them from A to B, but taking the fastest and the safest route, helping to load unload, keeping their vehicle clean and in good order. Demonstration of service, trustworthiness, compassion are equally necessary for drivers to grow.

This begins with keeping their seats clean and tidy.

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